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John Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute talked about his new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State and the militarization of the local police. Anthony Sanders, attorney at the Institute for Justice Minnesota Chapter, discussed issues that the The Institute for Justice is pursuing. Foundation for a Free Society's Development Director, Thomas Hill talked about the TIF in East Dundee and the ignoring of the fourth amendment by the national government.Republican activist, Precinct Committeeman, and Trustee for the Village of East Dundee, Allen Skillicorn, talked about the Republican Liberty Caucus activities. Dianna Visek helped resuscitate the Champaign Co. Libertarian Party in 2006 and has been a member of the Libertarian National Committee since 2010. Much of her activism has concerned transparency, ballot access and instant run-off voting, but in keeping with the times, she's now interested in civil liberties. She recapped her talk on "Dealing with Drones" at the Illinois Libertarian Party convention. Dr. Robert P. Murphy, Senior Fellow of the Pacific Research Institute and an adjunct scholar, frequent speaker at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and and the author of several books. He talked about Teaching Keynesians Real Economics and his appearance at the Illinois Libertarian Party State Convention. Dr. Steve Horwitz, a Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics and department chair of St. Lawrence University and the author of two books. He talked about Engaging Progressives with Libertarian Solutions and his appearance at the Illinois Libertarian Party State Convention. R. Lee Wrights talked about a moral policy for the defence of America as a preview of the debate on that subject at the Illinois Libertarian Party convention. He also talked about his run for governor of the state of Texas. Dr. Thomas Woods, Senior Fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the author of eleven books. He talked about Radical and Effective Libertarian Politics and his appearance at the Illinois Libertarian Party State Convention. Benjamin VanMetre, Senior Budget and Tax Policy Analyst of the Illinois Policy Institute. He talked about policy reform in North Carolina, unemployment in Illinois, and what Illinois can learn from the Detroit bankruptcy. Mary J. Ruwart, Ph. D. a research scientist and libertarian speaker, author, candidate, and activist talked about the Libertarian Party of Illinois Convention and issues facing all of us. Scott H. Amey, J.D., General Counsel of the Project On Government Oversight talked about the organization and the issues facing us all. Dan Rutherford talked about his run for Governor of Illinois. (9:45 AM - 10 AM) Christina Tobin talked about the Free & Equal Elections Foundation. Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is a prolific writer, a contributing editor to The American Conservative, executive director of the Council for the National Interest and foreign policy adviser to Ron Paul. Nathan Fuller, a journalist with the Bradley Manning Support Network talked about the Bradley Manning case. Documentary film investigator and co-producer Chris Emery talked about the Free Mind Films feature length production, A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 and the soon to be released State of Mind: The Psychology of Control. Targeted by the U. S. Department of Justice as a miscellaneous extermist, he works as V.P. of Marketing with Oklahoma City based Free Mind Films. Jonathan A. Moody, the Director of Development of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) talked about FEE and the issues the country faces today. Daveid Workman, Communications Director for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) talked about federal legislation and the CCRKBA. David From, State Director of Americans for Prosperity and Wheaton College alumnus talked about Glen Ellyn School District #41 plan to use eminent domain to 'buy' land from Wheaton College. Peter Kennedy, President of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund talked about pending rule making on raw milk sales in Illinois. R. Lee Wrights talked about the issues facing the Libertarian Party. Chris Jenner discussed his candidacy for McHenry County College Trustee, and all the shenanigans going on at the college. Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America talked about pending legislation and the posibility of its passage. Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director of National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws will talk about marijuana laws and legalization. Mark Skousen of Forecasts and Strategies talked about crisis politics, the political response to debt, and the Freedom Fest. Bruno Behrend, advisor to For The Good of Illinois talked about the work of For The Good of Illinois including the Topinka lawsuit. Sandra Lee Bolda, a resident of southeastern Arizona, talked about the government installation near her home. Scott Reeder, Springfield hureau chief for The Small Newspaper Group, talked about the Hidden Costs of Tenure. Chris Jenner discussed how to run for local office. Judge Jim Gray, vice presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party talked about the issues and the party's positions. Author Bev Harris, Founder of Black Box Voting, talked about the voting machine issues and ballot tampering. Grace-Marie Turner, President of the The Galen Institute, talked about the issues and policies that will lead to a more competitive, patient-centered marketplace in the health care sector. Scott McLarty, the Green Party National Media Coordinator talked about the candiates and issues. Professor Gary Chartier, a Senior Fellow for the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) talked about C4SS, his book Markets Not Capitalism and voting. (See a Reason TV interview with Professor Chartier here.) Scott Smith, The Illinois Reform Party Chairman and Member of National Party Executive Committee talked about the Reform Party candidates and issues. Steve Kubby, a spokeperson for the Regulate Marijuana Like Wine initiative talked about the California ballot initiative for 2014. Illinois State Senator Michael Noland, a Kane County Democrat, talked about Governor Quinn calling a special session of the legislature ostensibly to repair the pension system. Rae Ann McNeilly, Director of Outreach for Taxpayers United of America talked about Governor Quinn calling a special session of the legislature ostensibly to repair the pension system. Joe Bast, President and CEO of the The Heartland Institute, talked about the Heartland Institute annual dinner. Kristi LaCroix, teacher and publisher of the Freedom from Teachers' Unions newsletter, talked about her experience with unions, the Freedom From Teachers' Unions web site, and her newsletter. As seen in the movie, Farmageddon, Judith McGeary, founder and Executive Director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, talked about the out of control programs of U.S. Department of Agriculture and FDA that affect food freedom and small farmers. As seen in the movie, Farmageddon, Peter Kennedy, President of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund talked about the out of control programs of federal and state governments that affect food freedom and small farmers. Bill Zettler, author of Illinois Pension Scam, talked about the Illinois pension crisis, his articles on Champion News, and take calls. Carla Howell, Executive Director of the Libertarian Party talked about the future of the party and the Gary Johnson campaign. Mr. Bruno Behrend, J.D., an Advisor for the Open the Books Portal of the For the Good of Illinois, an organization to educate and empower Illinois citizens to demand a transparent and accountable government talked about the Open the Books Portal. Charlie Kirk, co-founder of SOS Liberty, a youth outreach branch of the Illinois Tea Party talked about SOS Liberty. Mr. Bruno Behrend, J.D., an Advisor for the Open the Books Portal of the For the Good of Illinois, an organization to educate and empower Illinois citizens to demand a transparent and accountable government talked about For the Good of Illinois. Richard Mack, former Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona is running for representative in Texas's 21st Congressional District. He also a member of GOOOH. His opponent authored legislation that would impose government control and censorship upon the Internet called Stop Online Piracy Act. The Primary election date is May 29, 2012. Sheriff Mack talked about GOOOH, the issues, and his Carl Person a Libertarian Party Presidential candidate, talked about his campaign for the nomination for President of the United States. Gary Johnson a Libertarian Party Presidential candidate, talked about his campaign for the nomination for President of the United States. Dave Redick a Republican Party candidate for US Congress in Wisconsin District 2, talked about his campaign. Jeffrey Harmon, co-founder of the Endorse Liberty super PAC for Ron Paul, talked about the PAC and its activities. R. Lee Wrights, a Libertarian Party Presidential candidate, talked about his campaign for the nomination for President of the United States. Illinois State Senator Michael Noland the Democratic Party candidate for State Senator in the 22nd district discussed the issues and the campaign. Sarah J. Gough, Executive Director, of American Majority Illinois talked about her organization and Governor Quinn's budget. Jeff Berwick, the Chief Editor of The Dollar Vigilante, writer for many web sites including Lew, and host of The Anarchast video cast talked about the economy and the decline of the dollar. Debbie Miller, a candidate for the Kane County Board, talked about her campaign and the issues. Gary Barnett a frequent writer for talked about his veiws about the state of the union. State Senator Chris Lauzen, a candidate for the Kane County Board Chairman, talked about his campaign and the issues. Tim Elenz a candidate for the 22nd District in the Illinois Senate, talked about his campaign and the issues. Cliff Surges a candidate for the 33rd District in the Illinois Senate, talked about his campaign and the issues. Robert Sauceda a candidate for Kane County Board, talked about his campaign and the issues. Walter E. Block, Ph.D., Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and Professor of Economics in the Joseph A. Butt, S.J. College of Business at Loyola University New Orleans talked about economics and current events. R. Lee Wrights a Libertarian Party Presidential candidate, talked about his campaign for the nomination for President of the United States. Chris Lawless of the Free State Project talked about the progress the Free State Project is making. Michael Keenan, President of The Seasteading Institute, talked about what seasteading is, why it is needed, and the activities of his organization. The Illinois State Director of the Gary Johnson for President campaign, Daniel Kamerling talked about who Gary Johnson is and about his run for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Beelzebub T. McGlobalist,the foremost representative of the incorporated organization of global bankers, political frontmen, and think-tank propagandists talked about the America's Greater Depression and the role of the bosses going forward. Louis James, Chief Investment Strategist (Metals Division) for Casey Research, talked about the American Debt Crisis, the Greater Depression and the role of gold going forward. Mary Theroux, Senior Vice President of The Independent Institute, talked about the activities of The Independent Institute and its upcoming 25th Anniversary Dinner of the Institute. Michael McKay host of Free Market Radio, talked about an article he wrote for Lew Rockwell that covered the latest Federal Reserve audit and the money crisis. Karen Emery, Founder of DelValley Silver discussed voluntarily trade, her business, and the uses of silver. Becky Akers, the prodigious writer for Lew and Freeman Online with appearances on, talked about air transportation security provided by the Transportation Security Administration. NORML founder and Legal Counsel, R. Keith Stroup discussed the 40th national conference in Denver last month and the activities of Norml in the reform of marijuana laws. James Gierach, discussed the threat of Mexican drug cartels attacking U.S. law enforcement officers. Mr. Gierach is a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Christina M. Tobin, Founder of Free & Equal Elections Foundation and Vice President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA) talked about how officials of School District 208 allegedly engaged in the illegal campaign tactics regarding the referendum on April 5. TUA will file its own lawsuit if the Illinois Attorney General or the State's Attorney do not act. The Democratic Party Illinois State Senator for the 22nd district, Michael Noland, discussed the issues before the 97th General Assembly. Republican activist, founder of The Schaumburg Freedom Coalition , and candidate for Mayor of Village of Shaumburg, Brian Costin, talked about his compaign. Carpentersville candidates for village trustee, Paul Humpfer and Doug Marks will talk about their respective campaigns. Republican activist, Precinct Committeeman, and candidate for Village of East Dundee Trustee, Allen Skillicorn, talked about his compaign. February 28, 2011: Cook County Coordinator for Campaign for Liberty, Scott Davis talked about the Ban the Cams campaign. Author Trace Mayer talked about his book How To Vanish, a guide to personal privacy, and about financial privacy and economics. Blogger, author, and conservative activist, John C. A. Bambenek talked about the Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry into the state's underfunded pension fund and other financial woes of the State of Illinois. Center for a Stateless Society's, Staff writer David D'Amato talked about unrest in the Middle East. David's blog is here.'s, News Editor Jason Ditz talked about the news and Author Bill Rounds talked about his book How To Vanish, a guide to personal privacy, and about the loss of privacy to government at all levels. TrueCrypt was recommended by Mr. Rounds. It is free. Michael Bell, a Wisconsin resident, talked about the circumstances of the Kenosha police shooting and killing his son, Michael E. Bell, and take calls. Michael Allison, a Bridgeport, Illinois resident is featured in a Reason Magazine article. He talked about the circumstances that have him facing up to 75 years in prison and take calls. Joshua Kors, an activist for Veterans rights talked about the Veterans benefits scandal. Ernest Hancock, from Freedoms Phoenix is the broadcaster of Declare your Independence radio / TV show and author of Freedom's Phoenix Newsletter talked about the financial crisis and the outcome of the Opt Out day at Sky Harbor airport in Phoenix. Anthony Hargis, entrepreneur, author, and tax protester talked about the financial crisis and his run in with the government. Becky Akers, the prodigious writer for Lew and Freeman Online with appearances on, talked about terrorism prevention in a free society, ominous methods of the Transportation Security Administration, and the results of the Opt Out / We Won't Fly day protest. Karen Emery, Founder of DelValley Silver discussed voluntarily trade, her business, and the uses of silver. James Babb, National Spokesperson for We Won't Fly discussed the dangerous porno scanners, sexually agressive touching by TSA agents and what to do about it. Thomas L. Knapp, discussed his new project, X2012 about the 2012 US general election boycott. Illinois State Senator Michael Noland the Democratic Party candidate for State Senator in the 22nd district discussed the issues and the campaign. Marilyn Rickert, Illinois State Director for She discussed the Fair Tax and its use in the 14th Congressional race between Bill Foster, Randy Hultgren, and Doug Marks. Steve Rauschenberger the Republican Party candidate for the 22nd State Senatorial District discussed the issues and his campaign. Julie Fox, Libertarian Party candidate, for Comptroller of Illinois talked about her campaign. Lex Green, Libertarian Party candidate, for Governor of Illinois talked about his campaign. Doug Marks the Libertatian Party candidate for the 14th Congressional District discussed the issues and the campaign. John Bambenek, freelance columnist and author discussed the elements of the so-called recall amendment. Donna Leone Hamm, founder and Executive Director, of Middle Ground Prison Reform. She discussed the recent failure to prosecute in the Marcia Powell murder and the work of the organization. Dave Workman, Communications Director, of the Second Amendment Foundation. He discussed the recent law suit against Chicago and the work of the organization. Julie Fox, Libertarian Party candidate, for Comptroller of Illinois talked about her campaign. Tim Wingate, the southeastern Minnesota representative of the World Union of Deists will talk about America's forgotten religion of the founding fathers. He will also discuss Deism's positive effect on society and politics by preserving individual liberty and freedom. Mr. Bruno Behrend, J.D., the Director of the Heartland Center for School Choice of the The Heartland Institute, discussed school reform, in Illinois. (twice) Mr. Brian Costin, Founder and President of the Schaumburg Freedom Coalition, discussed the Coalition, his run for mayor of Schaumburg, and the Cook County red light cam scam. Ms. Dea Meyer, Executive Vice President of the Civic Committee of The Commercial Club of Chicago, discussed The Illinois Is Broke Coalition, and what they are trying to do. Ed Rutledge, Libertarian Party candidate, for Lieutenant Governor of Illinois talked about his campaign. Brad Spangler, Director of the Center for a Stateless Society, discussed the organizaiton and intellectual property law. Lex Green, Libertarian Party candidate, for Governor of Illinois talked about his campaign. Phil Klein, Director and Executive Producer, of the documentary Begging for Billionaires will discuss the film and the problem of eminent domain. George Phillies, discussed his run for Chair of the Libertarian Party. He is part of the coalition of candidates that call themselves A New Path For the Libertarian Party. James Oaksun, discussed his run for Treasurer of the Libertarian Party. He is part of the coalition of candidates that call themselves A New Path For the Libertarian Party. Varrin Swearingen is the President and Media Spokesperson of the Free State Project. He discussed what the Free State Project is all about. Mark Hinkle discussed his run for Chair of the Libertarian Party. Professor Francis A. Boyle, lecturer on international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, discussed the complaint he filed with the International Criminal Court in The Hague against George W. Bush and others for the practice of extraordinary rendition Scott Hodge, President of The Tax Foundation talked about taxes and Tax Freedom Day. Charles Goyette the author of The Dollar Meltdown discussed his book, economic issues, and the currency crisis. Barry Cooper, entrepreneur and former police officer discussed never get busted tips, KopBusters, and his helpful DVDs. Doug Marks the Libertatian Party candidate for the 14th Congressional District discussed the issues and the race. Julie Fox the Libertatian Party candidate for Illinois State Comptroller will discuss the issues and the race. Scott Tucker the Republican Party candidate for the11th Legislative District discussed the issues, the race, and red light camera legislation. Ellen Hodgson Brown author of Web of Debt will discuss her book. Tim Carney, author, columnist, and K Street Editor of the Washington Examiner will discuss his book, Obamanomics. Russell Baker author of Family of Secrets discussed his book. Dan Linn, Executive Director of the Illinois Cannabis Patients Association discussed recent legislation and candidate positions on medical cannabis. State Senator Chris Lauzen spoke about the primary election. Louis Jacobson of the St. Petersburg Times spoke about the Truth-o-meter web site. Russ Jones has been an enforcer in the "War on Drugs" on various fronts for 30 years. He is a spokesperson for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. He spoke about recent drug policy changes on the national level. Tim Cox, author of Revolution, a New Plan for Selecting Representatives and the founder of the GOOOH project discussed the Get Out Of Our House project. Dan Kairis, a Green Party candidate, discussed his run for Representative in the 14th Congressional District.John Bambenek, Author of the Put Back Amendment to the Illinois Constitutution discussed the elements of the amendment and how to get it on the ballot. Dan Linn, Executive Director of the Illinois Cannabis Patients Association discussed recent legislation and federal guidelines about medical cannabis. Daniel Miller, President of Texas Nationalist Movement discussed nullification and secessionism. Conscientious objector, Daniel J. Lakemacher and founder of the War is Immoral web site discussed the reasons that brought him to that decision and the process itself. Scott Hodge, president of The Tax Foundation discussed the current administration's record on taxes and The Tax Foundation's activities. Jeff Danklefsen discussed his run for representative of the Illinois 14th Congressional District. State Senator Dan Duffy discussed red light cameras and corruption in Illinois. The Senator's campaign site is here. Joe Bast, President and CEO of the The Heartland Institute, talked about the Heartland Institute annual dinner and issues that Heartland researches.Eric Wallace discussed his run for Senator of Illinois. Jim Tobin, president of the National Taxpayers United of Illinois, talked about the proposed 67 percent income tax hike and other proposed tax increases. Michael Boldin, founder of the Tenth Amendment Center discussed the activities of the Tenth Amendment Center. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, talked about national health laws. Sheila Weinberg talked about the deficit and public debt. Patrick Basham, an adjunct scholar of The Cato Institute discussed current tobacco regulations and e-cigarettes. Alan Gottlieb, founder of The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms discussed current issues on gun control. Bill Brady talked about his positions in his run for Governor of Illinois. Dan Proft talked about his run for Governor of Illinois in 2010. Kathleen Polizzi spoke about medical marijuana and citizen abuse by the local animal control officers (police). Illinois State Senator Michael Noland discussed Property Tax Relief, Ethics Reform, and other pressing issues. Kenneth W. Burchell, an expert on Thomas Paine, talked about Thomas Paine and his book. Kathleen Polizzi spoke about medical marijuana and citizen abuse by the local animal control officers (police). Law Enforcement Against Prohibition cofounder, Peter Christ, talked about legalization of marijuana. Steve Bierfeldt, Director of Development, for the Campaign For Liberty discussed the Campaign For Liberty and his recent encounter with the Transportation Security Administration. Missouri libertarian activist, Mike Ferguson talked about his victory with the MIAC report and other campaigns. Adam Andrzejewski, a Republican activist, discussed his run for Governor of Illinois. Income tax protester, Tom Cryer, will discuss the income tax and his court case. Chris Jenner discussed his run for his second term on Cary District 26 School Board. Charles Ingersoll, a St. Charles businessman, will discuss his run for assessor of St. Charles. Robert Lee, member of the District 300 Policy and Legislation Committee and Community Finance Committee, discussed his run for District 300 school board. Randy Barnett, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory at the Georgetown University Law Center, former Cook County Assistant State's Attorney, and former Calumet City resident, discussed his web site, books and articles as well as the Lysander Spooner web site which he developed. James Gierach, former candidate for Cook County State's Attorney and Illinois governor in primary elections, discussed why drug prohibition does not work. Mr. Gierach is a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Anthony Gregory of the The Independent Institute discussed civil rights under the new administration. He is currently writing an Independent Institute book on individual liberty and the writ of habeas corpus. Lon Robertson, President of the Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition discussed the Department of Defense attempted large scale land acquisition in Pinon Canyon Colorado. Mike Hammond, a consultant for Gun Owners of America discussed gun control and the new administration. Scott Horton, a foreign policy expert for David Nolan, a founder of the Libertarian Party and creator of the Nolan chart. Mr. Nolan discussed the future of the Libertarian Party. Caren Woodson, Director of Government Affairs for the Americans for Safe Access. Ms. Woodson discussed the medical marijuana laws. Dave Brady, chair of the Illinois Libertarian Party and the McHenry County Libertarian Party. Mr. Brady discussed the End the Fed Rally that took place on November 22nd. Thomas L. Knapp, publisher of the Rational Review. Mr. Knapp discussed the past election and future plans of the Boston Tea Party. Candidate for U.S. Senate Larry Stafford talked about his run for the Senate on the Libertarian Party ticket. Darrell Castle talked about his run for the Vice Presidency on the Constitution Party ticket. Dr. Paul Hein talked about the bail out and how it will be paid for. Dr. Hein has written many articles on Dan Proft talked about why we should vote no on the Constitutional Convention in November. John Nothdurft, budget, tax, and tobacco Legislative Specialist for the The Heartland Institute. Bob Anderson, founder of Citizens for Fair Assessment, talked about abolishing township government, fighting unfair property assessments, and the Illinois constitutional convention. The Citizens for Fair Assessment can be contacted at Jim Babka, Co-founder of the Downsize DC organization. Downsize DC's mission is to reduce the size of the federal government. Activist and talk show host, Bruno Behrend talked about his book, Illinois Deserves Better. The book, co-authored by John Bambenek, outlines the reasons why Illinois should have a Constitutional Convention. Thomas J. DiLorenzo talked about his books including his new book about Alexander Hamiltion. Thomas L. Knapp, candidate for Vice-President of the United States on the Boston Tea Party ticket. Mr. Knapp discussed the issues of the campaign. David Brady, one of the organizers of the new McHenry County Libertarian Party, discussed the formation and agenda of the new local party organization. The party blog covers local issues. LP Radicals Organizer Susan Hogarth discussed the Radical Caucus' persepctive on the National Libertarian Party's Presidential candidate and the LP Convention. Bill Redpath, Chair of the Libertarian Party discussed the convention and the party's candidates for President / VP. Dan Druck discussed his campaign for representative of Illinois' 14th Congressional district. Bob Barr spoke about running for the Presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party. Aaron Bolinger, the Legislative Director for the The National Veterans Committee on Constitutional Affairs originally founded 'under the umbrella' of the nationwide AFTF and Aaron Russo's Restore the Republic, discussed the problem of the Real ID. LP Radicals Organizer Susan Hogarth discussed the Radical Caucus and the National Libertarian Party Convention. Dr. Mary J. Ruwart discussed her run for the Presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party. Christopher Klicka discussed home schooling case law. He is Senior Counsel of the Home School Legal Defense Association. Matt Welch discussed his new book, “McCain: The Myth of a Maverick”. Veteran Harold Williams exposes his belief that the U. S. is on the brink of martial law. He has an e-book called How To Survive Martial Law. Russell Means, spokeperson for the Republic Of Lakotah. The Republic Of Lakotah seeks separation from the U.S. Chris Lauzen, Candidate for 14th District U. S. Rpresentative. Jim MacRunnels, Candidate for Chair of the Kane County Board and Former Director of Active Concerned Taxpayers (ACT). Lisa Wogan, Illinois Communications Coordinator for the Ron Paul Campaign for President of the United States. Annie Laurie Gaylor, Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Richard Gage, a founding member of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth! and member of The American Institute of Architects. Doug Heaton, co-director of Association for Legal Americans. Jim Babka, Co-founder of the Downsize DC organization. Downsize DC's mission is to reduce the size of the federal government. Christine Smith, seeking the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination Tom Swiss, Director of Public Affairs of The Heartland Institute talked about the 23rd annual benefit dinner. He also discussed the global warming test and the challenge. Richard A. Pearson , Executive Director of the The Illinois State Rifle Association discussed fire arms legislation. Kathleen Polizzi spoke about local medical malpractice Rev. Anthony W. Williams, seeks the Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nomination Steven Titch, of The Heartland Institute is a telecommunications expert. Daniel Imperato, seeking the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination Retired Doctor Tom Tvedten exposing the truth about 9-11. He distributes DVDs via 911 DVD Project Phil Kerpen a policy director of Americans for Prosperity Illinois State Senator Michael Noland Sam Antonio, The John Birch Society National Spokesman on Immigration. (All of the above content was supplied to the Freedom Rings Webmaster by John Spizzirri, Freedom Rings Radio's Media Coordinator.) If you would like to be a guest on Freedom Rings Radio, please email the Media Coordinator. Get Freedom Rings E-Mail News
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